Luthfi is an assistant professor and researcher at the Department of Informatics, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), with over 20 years’ experience in computer science study. Experienced lecturer, inspirational tutor and meticulous examiner with a knack for recognising and encouraging individual growth. Luthfi completed his Doctoral degree (2021) in Information and Communication Technology (TU Delft), Master degree (2005) in Computer Science (UGM), and Bachelor degree (1999) in Information Systems (UBD). A dedicated, detailed and capable research fellow with deserving several reputable publications during the last five years.
During his PhD research, he published and presented his research in a series of blindly peer-reviewed venues in various international conferences, such as IFIP eGOV-CeDEM-ePart, Digital Government Society (dg.o), I3E conference and BMSD symposium. To understand the large-scale Engineering of Complex Systems based on Big Data analysis, Luthfi joined the IDEA League Doctoral School in 2018. Four different technical universities hosted sessions in TU Delft (Netherlands), RWTH Aachen (Germany), Politecnico Milan (Italy), and the University of Göteborg (Sweden).
Luthfi has been involved as a technical reviewer for scientific articles, such as Government Information Quarterly, Information Polity, and Technology in Society, and Transforming Government. In order to disseminate his research novelty, Luthfi introduced his decision-making support method for opening data to several government domains in the Netherlands, such as at the Unit Data Analytics and Big Data, Customs National Office in Rotterdam, and Department of Knowledge & Advice, National Archive in Den Haag.