Elyza Gustri Wahyuni earned a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering at Universitas Islam Indonesia in 2007. After that, she studied for a master’s degree and earned a Master of Computer Science at Universitas Gadjah Mada in 2012. Her areas of interest are medical informatics and decision support systems. Several research topics were carried out regarding the expert system for the elderly, cardiovascular disease, maternal and child health, and respiratory diseases.
Selected publications
- Wahyuni, E. G., & Prijodiprodjo, W. (2013). Prototype Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Tingkat Resiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner dengan Metode Dempster-Shafer. IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems), 7(2), 133-144.
- Wahyuni, E. G. (2017). Sistem pendukung keputusan penerimaan pegawai dengan metode TOPSIS. SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri, 14(2), 108-116.
- Wahyuni, E. G., Fauzan, L. M. F., Abriyani, F., Muchlis, N. F., & Ulfa, M. (2018, March). Rainfall prediction with backpropagation method. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 983, No. 1, p. 012059). IOP Publishing.
- Pratiwi, A., & Wahyuni, E. G. (2016, October). Sistem Pakar Diagnosis ISPA pada Balita dengan Metode Certainty Factor. In Seminar Nasional Informatika Medis (SNIMED) (No. VII, pp. 42-53).
- Wahyuni, E. G., & Ramadhan, A. S. (2019). Aplikasi Diagnosis Tingkatan Pneumonia dan Saran Pengobatan dengan Fuzzy Tsukamoto. Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 8(2), 115-122.
- Kurnia, H., Wahyuni, E. G., Pembrani, E. C., Gardini, S. T., & Aditya, S. K. (2018, March). Vehicle routing problem using genetic algorithm with multi compartment on vegetable distribution. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 325, No. 1, p. 012012). IOP Publishing.