Kholid Haryono is an Assistant Professor at Universitas Islam Indonesia, Department of Informatics where he is currently acting as the Head of Division of Information System Planning at Board of Information System.Â
He studied informatics (undergraduate program) at Universitas Islam Indonesia, graduating in 2003. After graduating, he joined PT Zahir International, Jakarta, as a business management application and accounting information system programmer until 2007. He then returned to Yogyakarta to join CV Adi Jasa Informatika as a full-stack developer for finance, planning, administration, and accounting applications. Several other applications, such as staffing and academic management, have also been developed. In 2012, he earned a Master’s in Computer Science (M.Kom.) from Universitas Islam Indonesia with a thesis on business intelligence in finance in the public sector (e-Government). Currently, he has research interests in information technology governance, especially in the area of ​​information systems development and auditing & control in the enterprise scope. Since receiving the TRIZ level 1, level 2, and level 1 TRIZ instructor certificates, he has added to his research focus on the fields of inventive problem solving, creativity and innovation.
Selected publications
- Akbar, M.M., Winarno, W.W., Haryono, K. (2021). Evaluasi Tingkat Kematangan e-Government Pada Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan Publik Menerapkan Framework Gartner. Jurnal Media Informatika Budidarma.
- Sujono., Setiawan, M.A., Haryono, K. (2020). Tantangan Adopsi Agile di Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia. Jurnal Informatika (JUITA).
- Haryono, K., Nikmah, Z. (2019). Workspace layouts for communication quality in Scrum teams. The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA 2019).
- Haryono, K. (2018). Effective Communication for Stock Availability and Avoid Fraud. The International Conference on Computer and Communication Systems (ICCCS), Nagoya Japan.
- Haryono, K., Ikhsani, Z.A. (2018). Vulnerability in Determining the Cost of Information System Project to Avoid Loses. The International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications (ICITDA).
- Haryono, K., Suranto, B., Pradita, K. (2018). E-Government for Regional House of Representatives Through eAgenda in the Local Government. Advanced Science Letters, Volume 24, Number 1, January 2018, pp. 636-640(5).