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Industry Visit For Master Students: A Gateway to Innovation and Career Growth
Advancing Maternal and Child Health through Posyandu Information Systems: A Success and Challenge Study
Informatics Graduate Students in Exchange Program at the University of South-Eastern Norway
Program Alumni Testimonies
“Studying at UII for me is not just to obtain a Master’s degree, but also to expand the circle of friends and a place to share experiences. The lecturers are competent and have teaching techniques that are not boring. I gained a lot of experience and knowledge in lectures and it was very useful in supporting my work.”
I am proud to have studied at the Master of Informatics at UII and feel like I miss being at UII again, I miss the academic atmosphere. At UII I can improve my competence because it is supported by adequate facilities, as well as lecturers who are competent in their fields. The knowledge I gain can be useful for research and teaching.
I am proud to be part of the UII academic community. As an alumni, I am very grateful for the knowledge I have gained, it is very useful for my professional journey.
I am personally very grateful to be one of the UII alumni. I feel lucky because UII educates with the concept of Ulil Albab. Lecturers at UII really care about their students and always make efforts and are enthusiastic about making their dreams come true. I didn’t feel like a student when I studied at UII, but I felt like part of the family. Thank you UII and the lecturers, I am proud to be a UII alumni.
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Gedung KH. Mas Mansyur Lantai 2
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang KM. 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta 55584
Telepon: +62 274 895287 ext. 122
Faks: +62 274 895007
Jurusan: [email protected]
Prodi Informatika Program Sarjana: [email protected]
Prodi Informatika Program Magister : [email protected]
Prodi Informatika PJJ : [email protected]
Instagram: @informatics.uii