

Important Timeline:

  • 21 August – 10 September 2024: Proposal: Consult with prospective supervisors and
    fill out the proposal form.
  • 10 – 16 September 2024 : Title determination by the Department.
  • 18 September 2024 : Announcement of approved title.

Don’t forget to consult with your prospective supervisor to strengthen your proposal title!

Students of the 2020 Curriculum (specifically the Research Track) who will start their Final
Project in the Odd Semester of the 2024/2025 Academic Year can obtain Final Project topics
in the following ways:

  1. Proposing a Topic Independently: Students who wish to propose their own TA topics must first discuss them with a potential supervisor. Ensure that the proposed topic is suitable and has been approved by the relevant lecturer. Topic approval will be determined through a meeting of lecturers in the relevant scientific cluster.
  2. Choosing 2 (Two) Topics Offered by Lecturers: Students can choose from the topics offered by lecturers through the following sheet:



Students who are newly taking or repeating the research track are required to propose a topic or choose 2 topics offered by lecturers by filling out the following form:


Deadline for Form Completion:

The deadline for completing the topic proposal or selection form is September 10, 2024.

Announcement of TA Topics:

The topics obtained by students will be announced on September 18, 2024.

Topic Assignment Priority:

Students will receive Final Project topics based on the following priority order: independent proposal, first choice, and second choice.

We hope that all students can take advantage of this opportunity and choose the topic that best suits their interests and expertise. Thank you for your attention and cooperation.