
Graduation Day: Joint Degree Program UII X NXU

A total of five UII Informatics students who took part in the joint degree program UII x Nanjing Xiaozhuang University graduated on June 19, 2021. They managed to hold a double degree on the “Graduation Day 2021 International Student Nanjing Xiaozhuang University” which was held virtually.

The five graduates are Abyan, Gilang, Lintang, Luthfi, and Yudhis from the Class of 2017. The theses they raised are as follows:

– Abyan Fadilla Noor: SentiPress: iOS Based Sentiment Analysis Application towards the President of Indonesia using Twitter

– Gilang Persada Bhagawadita: Developing Mobile Attendance System Application using QR Code and GPS with Flutter

– Lintang Digdoyo: DevCollab: Project Management and Collaboration Web Application for Virtual Software Development Teams

– Muhammad Luthfi: GeometryAR: iOS Based Application for 3D Shapes Learning using Augmented Reality

– Yudhistira Adinugraha Hutabarat: Design and Implementation of Digital Transformation to Improve Business Process: A Case Study of Nestlé Indonesia

Graduation was opened with remarks from the rector, dean, heads of departments, and the best students, then continued by the handover of diplomas for each student. In addition, there were also video screenings of memories while studying at NXU and announcements of students’ best theses.

“Finally, I was able to graduate from both UII and NXU,” said Lintang, one of the joint degree program students.

Online graduations indeed leave a slightly different impression for these graduates. However, this certainly did not close their enthusiasm for the euphoria of graduation. Moreover, graduating with double degrees certainly made these five graduates more enthusiastic to continue their dreams.

 “Feeling proud and carrying the burden, too. An international degree may be more attractive to companies if they want to work, but they also have a big responsibility towards both alma maters,” admitted Gilang, one of the graduates.

These graduates prove that Informatics students can also study abroad and have international exposure, one of which is by joining the UII x NXU joint degree program.