Informatics UII Visit to Taylor’s University
Friday, October 25, 2019, the lecturers and staffs of the Department of Informatics UII visited Taylor’s University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for some joint activities. The group was welcomed by Professor Dr. David A / L Asirvatham, the Executive Dean of Faculty of Innovation & Technology, Taylor’s University, Dr. Dini Oktarina Dwi Handayani and Ms. Norhidayah Binti Hamzah. There were three activities:

Double Degree & Student Exchange Program Discussion
Discussion on Double Degree & Student Exchange Plan
The first activity was the discussion on Double Degree and Student Exchange plan between UII’s Department of Informatics and Taylor’s University’s School of Computing & IT, which was attended by Mr. Hendrik as the Head of Department of Informatics UII and Mr. Dhomas Hatta Fudholi as the Secretary of the Undergraduate Study Program in Informatics.

Ridho gave a presentation about From Machine (and Deep) Learning to Causal Model
Research Sharing Session
The second activity was a research sharing session. Mr. Ridho shared insights about “From Machine (and Deep) Learning to Causal Model”, while Mr. Andri talked about “Eliciting Tacit Knowledge from WiFi Access Logs”. Aside from UII lecturers, Dr. Hamwira Yaacob from International Islamic University Malaysia also participated in this research sharing session by sharing about Neuro-Affective Computing. Sir Capt Sudhir A K Kumaren from Kambyan Network also gave a presentation about AI and drone technology.

Discussion on Managing International Students in Taylor’s University
Discussion on Managing International Student
The last activity was a discussion on managing international student administration with the Office of International Affairs, Taylor’s University. In addition, the staffs and lecturers also had a chitchat with one of the Ph.D. students Taylor’s University School of Computing & IT from Yogyakarta
Hopefully, this collaboration will be a good start for the two institutions.
[Bahasa Indonesia]
Alhamdulillah, Jumat 25 Oktober 2019 lalu, Bapak Ibu Dosen dan Staff Jurusan Informatika UII bersilaturahim ke Taylor’s University di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia untuk beberapa aktivitas bersama. Rombongan disambut oleh Professor Dr. David A/L Asirvatham, Executive Dean – Faculty of Innovation & Technology, Taylor’s University, beserta Dr. Dini Oktarina Dwi Handayani dan Ms. Norhidayah Binti Hamzah. Terdapat tiga aktivitas dalam kegiatan kali ini.

Pengelola Jurusan Informatika UII dan School of Computing & IT Taylor’s University
Rencana Program Double Degree & Pertukaran Mahasiswa
Aktivitas pertama adalah pembahasan rencana Double Degree dan Student Exchange antara Jurusan Informatika UII dengan School of Computing & IT Taylor’s University, yang diikuti oleh Bapak Hendrik selaku Ketua Jurusan Informatika dan Bapak Dhomas Hatta selaku Sekretaris Prodi Informatika – Program Sarjana. Ini rencananya akan menjadi program global mobility kesekian yang diselenggarakan di Jurusan Informatika UII.

Bapak M. Andri Setiawan bercerita tentang Eliciting Tacit Knowledge from WiFi Access Logs
Research Sharing
Aktivitas kedua adalah sesi research sharing. Bapak Ridho berbagi insight mengenai From Machine (and Deep) Learning to Causal Model, sedangkan Bapak Andri bercerita tentang Eliciting Tacit Knowledge from WiFi Access Logs. Selain dari dosen Informatika UII & Taylor’s University, Dr. Hamwira Yaacob dari International Islamic University Malaysia juga turut mengikuti sesi research sharing ini dengan berbagi mengenai Neuro-Affective Computing. Sir Capt Sudhir A K Kumaren dari Kambyan Network juga memberikan presentasi tentang AI dan teknologi drone.
Diskusi Pengelolaan Mahasiswa Internasional
Aktivitas terakhir adalah diskusi tentang pengelolaan administrasi mahasiswa internasional bersama pemimpin dan staff Office of International Affairs Taylor’s University. Selain itu, staf dan dosen Jurusan Informatika UII juga berbincang-bincang dengan salah satu mahasiswa asal Jogja yang sedang menjalani program Ph.D. di School of Computing & IT Taylor’s University.
Semoga diskusi dan penjajakan kerja sama ini menjadi awalan yang baik bagi kedua institusi. [FA]

Dosen dan Staff Jurusan Informatika UII di Taylor’s University