Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin.. Segala puji dan syukur kami panjatkan kepada Allah SWT. atas berkah rahmat dan karunia-Nya. 

        Program Studi Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) berhasil mempertahankan peringkat “Akreditasi Unggul” dari Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Informatika dan Komputer (LAM INFOKOM). Keputusan ini tertuang dalam SK LAM INFOKOM No. 215/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/S/XII/2024 yang ditandatangani oleh Prof. Dra. Sri Hartati, M.Sc., Ph.D. selaku Ketua Dewan Eksekutif LAM INFOKOM karena telah memenuhi seluruh syarat untuk mendapatkan peringkat tertinggi dalam akreditasi. Pencapaian ini merupakan hasil kerja keras seluruh civitas akademika dalam mengembangkan program studi. Keberhasilan ini semakin memantapkan posisi Program Studi Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) di kancah pendidikan tinggi nasional.

         Seluruh civitas akademika menyambut gembira kabar baik ini dengan penuh rasa syukur. Capaian ini memberikan nilai tambah signifikan bagi para mahasiswa dan alumni dalam menapaki karir profesional mereka. Program studi Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) berkomitmen untuk terus berinovasi mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terkini. Berbagai program pengembangan akan terus dilakukan untuk mempertahankan kualitas pendidikan yang telah diakui ini. Momentum ini menjadi pendorong Program Studi Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) untuk memberikan kontribusi lebih besar bagi kemajuan pendidikan tinggi Indonesia terhitung sejak status akreditasi ini diberlakukan pada tanggal 13 Desember 2024 hingga 13 Desember 2029 mendatang. 

         Hal tersebut menjadi bukti nyata keseriusan program studi dalam memenuhi standar pendidikan tinggi. Program Studi Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) terus menunjukkan konsistensinya dalam menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas yang siap menghadapi tantangan industri. Pencapaian ini tentunya membawa angin segar bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan program studi. Hal ini juga menjadi motivasi untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan penelitian hingga komitmen program studi dalam memberikan pendidikan terbaik.

Sertifikat Akreditasi LAM INFOKOM – IF S1



Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalamiin..


Kabar menggembirakan dari Peluncuran Program Studi Informatika Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) pada Informatics Expo 2025 yang menjadi bukti nyata bahwa Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) terus berinovasi dalam menyediakan akses pendidikan berkualitas bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.


Kehadiran Program Studi Informatika Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) ini menjadi solusi tepat bagi berbagai kalangan yang memiliki keterbatasan waktu dan jarak untuk mengenyam pendidikan tinggi berkualitas. Dengan mengusung konsep pembelajaran full online namun tetap mempertahankan standar mutu yang sama dengan program reguler terakreditasi unggul, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) membuktikan bahwa kualitas pendidikan tidak perlu dikorbankan dalam adaptasi metode pembelajaran jarak jauh.


“Cara pembelajaran kita full online, tetapi untuk profil lulusan, capaian pembelajarannya sama seperti yang reguler yang sudah mendapat akreditasi unggul. Jadi kita akan tularkan tapi dengan mode yang berbeda,”

ungkap Dr. Raden Teguh Dirgahayu, S.T., M.Sc. selaku Ketua Jurusan Informatika UII.


Menariknya, program ini tidak hanya menyasar lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) yang terkendala jarak, tetapi juga membuka kesempatan bagi para profesional yang ingin meningkatkan kompetensi di bidang informatika dan para atlet yang memiliki jadwal dinamis. Hal ini mencerminkan pemahaman Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) terhadap keberagaman kebutuhan pendidikan di masyarakat modern. Kualitas pembelajaran tetap menjadi prioritas utama dengan diterapkannya sistem penjaminan mutu Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, hingga evaluasi yang selalu dikawal oleh sistem penjaminan mutu internal. Program ini dirancang dengan kapasitas 20-40 mahasiswa per kelas yang berpotensi untuk terus berkembang mengingat karakteristik pembelajaran daring yang tidak memerlukan fasilitas fisik.


Kepala BSI UII, Mukhammad Andri Setiawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., menegaskan bahwa mahasiswa tidak hanya mendapatkan materi secara asinkron, tetapi juga kesempatan konsultasi rutin dengan dosen setiap semester. 

“Jadi bukan hanya dikasih materi, buku, materi pdf, terus selesai, tapi ada sesi-sesi yang kami siapkan tiap semesternya untuk berkonsultasi kepada tutor atau dosen terhadap mata kuliah yang mereka ambil,” jelasnya. 


Mahasiswa Program Studi Informatika Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) juga akan mendapatkan fasilitas yang setara dengan mahasiswa reguler, termasuk lisensi Microsoft Office 365, akses sistem operasi UII, dan kanal zoom meeting unlimited. Semoga inovasi ini dapat menjadi model pembelajaran jarak jauh yang efektif dan menginspirasi institusi pendidikan lainnya untuk mengembangkan program serupa.

Akreditasi IF PJJ


Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) kembali menjadi sorotan dalam dunia teknologi dan digital dengan menyelenggarakan konferensi internasional bertajuk “2024 IEEE 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Digital Applications” (ICITDA). Acara yang bertema “IT for Sustainability: Navigating the Digital Path to a Greener Tomorrow” ini berlangsung pada tanggal 7-8 November 2024. Bertempat di Kampus INTI International University, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, konferensi ini juga memberikan kemudahan partisipasi secara daring melalui platform Zoom. Didukung oleh sejumlah lembaga akademis dan organisasi internasional, ICITDA bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi peran teknologi digital dalam mendukung keberlanjutan lingkungan di era modern. Agenda ini diharapkan menjadi wadah kolaborasi ilmiah antara akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi di bidang teknologi informasi.

Konferensi ICITDA 2024 semakin mempertegas perannya sebagai platform kolaborasi internasional dengan jumlah makalah yang masuk mencapai 93 karya dari berbagai negara. Dari total tersebut, sebanyak 53 makalah telah dinyatakan lolos seleksi untuk dipresentasikan selama acara berlangsung. Para peserta dan peneliti yang berkontribusi berasal dari lima negara, yakni Indonesia, Filipina, Malaysia, India, dan Jepang. Keberagaman asal negara peserta ini mencerminkan semangat globalisasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang diusung dalam konferensi ini. Dengan seleksi ketat dan topik yang relevan, makalah-makalah yang diterima diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya dalam mendukung keberlanjutan digital di era modern.

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Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) atau Jejaring Perguruan Tinggi Nusantara adalah bentuk kerjasama antar perguruan tinggi negeri dan perguruan tinggi swasta se-Indonesia guna mencapai tri-dharma perguruan tinggi. NUNI merupakan lembaga pendidikan tinggi di Indonesia yang menyelenggarakan seminar dengan tema “Stay Ahead of The Curve with Cutting-Edge Tech” . Seminar ini merupakan fase ke-7 dari rangkaian seminar yang rutin digelar. Terdapat 32 sesi yang membahas topik-topik mengenai teknologi terkini mulai tanggal 2 hingga 13 Desember 2024 yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa (S1/S2/S3) dan dosen. 


Seminar ini akan menghadirkan sejumlah pembicara ahli yang akan mengupas berbagai topik teknologi terkini. Pembicara berasal dari berbagai universitas seperti Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Universitas Islam Indonesia, dan BINUS University. 

Dalam kesempatan ini, topik utama yang akan dibawakan yaitu mengenai pemanfaatan kecerdasan buatan generatif dalam pengembangan aplikasi, serta isu etika yang menyertainya. Peserta juga akan mempelajari teknologi penginderaan akustik canggih dan bagaimana memanfaatkannya untuk beragam aplikasi. Selain itu, seminar ini juga akan menyoroti penggunaan metode pembelajaran mendalam untuk mengolah data rekaman otak guna klasifikasi yang akurat. Berbagai topik menarik lainnya terkait perkembangan teknologi terkini juga akan dibahas oleh para pakar dari universitas terkemuka di Indonesia. 


Seminar ini memberikan kesempatan berharga bagi peserta untuk memperdalam pengetahuan dan keahlian di bidang teknologi informasi, serta dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan para ahli melalui seminar yang akan diselenggarakan melalui Zoom (daring) yang terbuka untuk umum dan gratis untuk diikuti.

Berikut Informasi lengkap jadwal pembicara dan registrasi : Read more

On the 4th and 5th of November 2024, a group of enthusiastic master’s students from various concentration studies, including Medical Informatics, Data Science, Enterprise Information Systems, and Digital Forensics, embarked on an insightful industry visit. This two-day event was organized to provide students with a closer look at the practical applications of their studies and to inspire innovation and career-focused growth. The visits were conducted at four significant locations: CIFOR-ICRAF, IPB, UNHAN, and Puslabfor Sentul.

The primary objective of this industry visit was to enhance the students’ research capabilities and provide them with valuable insights for their future careers. As part of their master’s program, students are required to conduct in-depth research. These visits allowed them to see first-hand how research is conducted in professional environments, thus motivating them to pursue excellence in their own projects. Additionally, this exposure is aimed at sparking innovative ideas and fostering a deeper understanding of the real-world applications of their studies.

student using game media to learn environment impact

Student using game media to learn environment impact

The industry visit was meticulously planned to cover a wide range of interests pertinent to the different fields of study. Here’s a breakdown of how the visit was structured:

  1. CIFOR-ICRAF and IPB: Students from the Medical Informatics, Data Science, and Enterprise Information Systems concentrations visited the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) as well as the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). At CIFOR-ICRAF, they explored ongoing projects that leverage data science to address environmental and agricultural challenges. IPB, a renowned institution for agricultural research, provided insights into the integration of enterprise information systems in optimizing agricultural processes. These visits highlighted the intersection of technology and sustainable practices.
  2. Puslabfor Sentul and UNHAN: The Digital Forensics students headed to the Sentul National Police Forensic Laboratory (Puslabfor) and the Indonesia Defense University (UNHAN). At Puslabfor, they witnessed cutting-edge forensic technology in action, gaining a deeper understanding of the digital forensics field’s intricacies. UNHAN provided a broader perspective on the role of digital forensics in national security and defense, enriching the students’ knowledge about the strategic applications of their studies.
Picture of Digital Forensics student in front of UNHAN

Picture of Digital Forensics student in front of UNHAN

Experiences and Takeaways

The industry visit was not just an educational experience but also a motivational journey for the students. Here are some key takeaways from the visit:

  • Real-World Applications: Seeing theoretical knowledge applied in real-world scenarios reinforced the importance of their studies. For instance, Medical Informatics students observed how data is used to improve healthcare outcomes in remote areas, inspiring them to think about how they can contribute to the healthcare sector.
  • Networking Opportunities: The visits provided a platform for students to network with professionals and researchers in their fields. These connections could prove invaluable as they progress in their careers, offering potential mentorship and collaboration opportunities.
  • Innovative Ideas: Exposure to cutting-edge research and technology sparked new ideas among the students. For example, Data Science students at CIFOR-ICRAF were particularly impressed by the innovative use of big data analytics in environmental conservation efforts. This experience encouraged them to think about how they can apply similar methodologies in their projects.
  • Career Motivation: Visiting these prestigious institutions and seeing the impactful work being done motivated the students to aspire for excellence in their careers. The Digital Forensics students, for instance, left Puslabfor with a renewed determination to contribute to the field of cyber security.

The industry visit organized for the master’s students from UII’s various concentration studies was a resounding success. It achieved its goal of enhancing student research, providing insights for innovation, and motivating students to design their future careers. By bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application, such visits play a crucial role in preparing students for the challenges of the professional world.

This visit underscores the importance of integrating industry exposure with academic curricula. It not only broadens the students’ horizons but also equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their respective fields. As these students continue their academic journeys, the experiences and insights gained from this visit will undoubtedly serve as a foundation for their future successes in research and professional endeavors.

In a world that constantly demands innovation and expertise, initiatives like these ensure that students are not just passive learners but active contributors to their fields. The future looks promising for these master’s students, who are now better prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

In the world of research and innovation, achievements and recognition serve as testament to the hard work and dedication of individuals, One such shining example is Elbo Shindi Pangestu, a master’s student who recently made waves at the Research, Innovation & Creativity Exhibition (RICE) 2024 held by Southern University College, Malaysia. The event, held on the 24th and 25th October 2024, saw Elbo clinch both a gold and bronze award, marking a significant milestone in his academic journey.

Location and Event

The RICE 2024 event took place at Southern University College, a prestigious institution known for fostering creativity and innovation. This exhibition brought together bright minds from various fields, providing a platform for students to showcase their groundbreaking research and innovative projects. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as participants form all over the world presented their work, each hoping to make a mark.

The Achievements

Elbo Shindi Pangesto stood out among the many participants, securing a gold award for his titled “ORCAV: Medical Imaging Service for Rural Areas in Indonesia.” This project focuses on revolutionizing healthcare access in rural Indonesia by leveraging advance medical imaging technologies. The innovative approach aims to bridge the gap in medical services, providing rural areas with much-needed diagnostic tools that were previously inaccessible.

In addition to his gold-winning project, Elbo also received a bronze award for his second submission, “Leveraging Generative AI and Ansible Automation to Excel IPV6 Adoption.” This paper delves into the technical intricacies of IPV6 adoption, offering solutions to enhance the process through generative AI and automation tools. Elbo’s work in this area not only addresses the technical challenges but also proposes practical applications to ease the transition to IPV6, a crucial development in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Behind the Success

Elbo’s success at RICE 2024 is no mere coincidence; it it the result of relentless dedication and a profound passion for his field of study. His research on “ORCAV” was inspired by the significant healthcare disparities he observed in rural Indonesia. Driven by a desire to make a tangible impact and with the help of his supervisors, Elbo invested countless hours into developing a solution that could change lives. His commitment to addressing real-world problems through innovative research is what sets him apart.

The second project, on the other hand, showcases Elbo’s technical prowess and his forward-thinking approach. Understanding the complexities and potential of IPV6, he sought ways to streamline its adoption, making it more efficient and accessible. By integrating generative AI and Ansible Automation, Elbo’s paper provides a roadmap for a smoother transition to this new internet protocol, highlighting the importance of staying ahead in the technological curve.

Looking Forward

Elbo Shindi Pangestu achievements at RICE 2024 have not only earned him recognition but have also opened new doors for his future endeavors. The awards serve as testament to his abilities and the impact of his research. As he continues his academic journey, Elbo remains committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation with hopes of contributing further to his field and society at large scale.

In the grand scheme of things, Elbo’s story is a reminder of the power of education, passion, and perseverance. It underscores the importance of providing platforms like RICE 2024 for young researchers to showcase their talents and drive change. Elbo’s journey is just beginning, and his recent accomplishments are sure to inspire others to pursue their passions and make a difference.


The Research, Innovation & Creativity Exhibition 2024 by Southern University College proved to be a significant event, not only for its showcase of talent but also for highlighting the importance of innovative research in solving real-world problems. Elbo Shindi Pangestu’s gold and bronze awards are a celebration of his hard work, dedication, and his commitment to making a positive impact. As we look forward to future editions of RICE, we can only anticipate more groundbreaking projects and inspiring stories like Elbo’s. His achievements remind us that with determination and innovation, anything is possible.

Mahasiswa Program Studi S-1 Informatika Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) kembali menorehkan prestasi di ajang nasional. Dalam Seminar Nasional Technopex 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh Institut Teknologi Indonesia pada 24 Oktober 2024 secara daring melalui Zoom, salah satu mahasiswa, Raisha Alma Sahara, berhasil meraih predikat sebagai Penyaji Terbaik dalam bidang Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi.

Raisha Alma Sahara, Penyaji Terbaik Technopex 2024

Sertifikat Penyaji Terbaik Technopex 2024

Raisha bersama rekan satu timnya, Muhammad Ferrel Ganendra Arisaputra dan Arisca Devi Octavia, mempresentasikan makalah berjudul “Kajian Literatur: Penerapan Quantum Natural Language Processing dalam Chatbot” di bawah bimbingan ibu dosen Fayruz Rahma. Penelitian ini merupakan hasil tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Indonesia untuk Komunikasi Ilmiah yang disusun oleh tim sebagai kajian literatur yang mendalam mengenai potensi penggunaan Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP) dalam chatbot. Dengan pendekatan Systematic Literature Review, kajian ini membandingkan NLP konvensional dengan QNLP dalam meningkatkan interaksi cerdas chatbot serta mengulas keunggulan dan tantangan dalam penerapan QNLP pada chatbot. Read more

MI UII Goes to Norway - Achmad

Achmad Bauravindah, a graduate student from Pasuruan, Indonesia, recently embarked on an academic adventure in Norway. Currently pursuing a concentration in Data Science at the Master Program in Informatics at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Achmad spent his second semester as an exchange student at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). Beyond his studies, he actively collaborates with faculty members on research projects, further enriching his academic experience.

A Partnership Born from Friendship

This exchange program stems from a collaborative agreement initiated by UII Rector and Informatics faculty member, Fathul Wahid, and his colleague, Professor Karen Stendal. Professor Stendal coordinates the Master in Digital Transformation program at USN. Since its inception in 2022, the program has provided opportunities for UII students to study abroad with financial support from the Erasmus+ European Government Scholarships. This generous funding covers tuition, living expenses, accommodation, and transportation.

Students and Faculty Members - after discussion

Students and Faculty Members – after discussion

Experiencing a Unique Learning Environment

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Berdasarkan Keputusan Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran Direktorat Riset, Teknologi, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat tentang Penerima Program Bantuan Operasional Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Program Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Tahun Anggaran 2024, Alhamdulillah sebelas judul proposal penelitian tesis mahasiswa Magister Informatika UII lolos sebagai Penerima Pendanaan Program Penelitian Tahun Anggaran 2024.

Berikut adalah daftar judul riset tesis yang mendapatkan pendanaan: Read more

In its 13th edition, the International Innovation, Invention, and Design Competition (INDES) brought together bright minds to showcase innovative creations and research. Hosted by Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia, INDES 2024 featured participants from various universities and academic programs, both local and international. Among the competitors was a delegation from the Informatics Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), participating directly on-site in Malaysia.

Magister Informatics UII Secures Bronze Award

A standout achievement came from UII’s Master of Informatics program, as student Fikri Irfan Adristi and his team earned the prestigious Bronze Award for their project, Strategic Digital Forensics Framework for Corruption Prevention in Financial Sectors.

This project proposed a comprehensive anti-corruption framework designed to address challenges in financial sectors through five key stages:

  1. Data Collection and Analysis
  2. Corruption Pattern Identification
  3. Transparency Enhancement
  4. Regulatory Oversight Improvement
  5. Application of Digital Forensics Techniques

The team complemented their submission with an infographic poster that effectively communicated the framework’s purpose and methodology to judges and attendees.

An Eventful Journey to Success

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